How to Start an Etsy Shop With No Money – with 40 free listings

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How to Start an Etsy Shop With No Money

Do you want to earn some extra cash by starting an Etsy shop, but you don’t know where to start? Opening an Etsy store can be a great way to make money from home. Etsy is the perfect way to test whether your products are saleable.

You do not need a professional photographer, your own website, or a large inventory to test whether your products will sell. I will show you how to start an Etsy shop for free!

40 Free Etsy Listings

By using my referral link, you can start your Etsy shop for free with free 40 listings. Normally you would have to pay $0.20 for each listing that you create or renew. So you will save $8! After your 40 free listings have been used you will have to pay to create new ones. But you’re probably already earning some money by then 😉

Get 40 free Etsy listings by using my link

Here’s a few more reasons why you should start an Etsy shop:

  • You want to get started for free
  • You want a platform with lots of traffic
  • You want to start selling before investing a lot of money

Let’s dive into the guide. Today I will show how you can start an Etsy shop for free!

1. Find your Niche

Before you start selling it’s important to find your niche. This can be digital downloads, handmade items or crafts. Take some time to browse other Etsy shops in your niche and see what kinds of products are selling well. This will give you an idea of what kinds of items to list in your own shop.

Concentrate your efforts on what products you are going to sell. Whatever you enjoy making, make sure you make it well. Research everything you possibly can about your niche. Make crafts that you can be proud of and that you would give to your friends as a gift.

2. Choose a shop name

Ready to start selling on Etsy? The first step is picking a Etsy shop name. This is how your shop will be known on Etsy, and it’s how customers will find you when they’re searching for items to buy.

So take some time to brainstorm and come up with a Etsy shop name that reflects the type of products you’ll be selling. Think of a name that fits with the products you’re going to sell and what you want to be known for. If you are not satisfied with your name, you can change it once.

If you want to change it more often you have to ask Etsy for permission. It is important to state that your previously used Etsy name may not be used by yourself or others after deactivation.

3. Etsy Shop Logo

A logo is a vital part of any business. It’s often the first thing that people will see, and it’s a key part of your brand identity. A well-designed logo can help to build trust, convey your values, and make a lasting impression. So, how do you go about creating a logo that ticks all of these boxes?

One option is to use Canva is a user-friendly platform that offers a wide range of templates and tools to help you create a professional-looking logo. With a few clicks, you can upload your own images, add text, and experiment with different colors and layouts.

Best of all, it’s free to use. So, if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to create a great-looking logo, Canva is definitely worth checking out.

To make your business appear more professional, I would recommend investing a small amount in getting a logo made. If you’re on a budget but don’t know how to make one yourself, you should try hiring a freelancer on Fiverr contains several skilled logo designers that will help you for about $15.

4. Pretty listing images

It is important to take impressive photos before you start selling. If you want to sell digital designs, you can use mockup images to beautifully display your designs. If you are going to sell physical items, you can take great photos with your smartphone in bright daylight.

You can edit your photos with a free app called Snapseed or you can opt for professional software such as Adobe Photoshop. I use Photoshop myself because I enjoy all its possibilities. If you’re okay with spending a little money you can also add in a portable photography studio for when your natural light isn’t bright enough.

40 free Etsy listings

By using my referral link, you can start your Etsy shop for free with free 40 listings. Normally you would have to pay $0.20 for each listing that you create or renew. So you will save $8! After your 40 free listings have been used you will have to pay to create new ones. But you’re probably already earning some money by then 😉

Get 40 free Etsy listings by using my link

5. How much does it cost to have an Etsy shop?

Once an item sells, Etsy takes $ 0.25 + 3.5% of your sales. There is also a Transaction fee (on sale price and shipping price) of 5%.
After you have used all 40 free listings, listing fees are billed for $0.20 per listing.

Read more on Etsy’s website.

Now that you have made your store name, logo, and photos, let’s continue with the practical tips and tricks on how to start an Etsy shop.

6. The basics on how to start an Etsy shop

1. Go to Etsy using my link and click on “Open a shop today”, then sign up with your email address.
2. Create your account.
3. There will be a prompt that says “Open your Etsy shop”, next you’ll go through the prompts about your preferred language, country, currency, and if you plan to sell full-time or part-time. 
4. Enter the store name that you just came up with.
5. “Stock Your Shop” – this is where you will put your photos of your product, all the details about each one, price, shipping info, size, weight, etc.
6. Next, you’ll set up your payment information.
7. Set up Billing – here is where you will put in your information that will indicate how you will plan to pay the fees to Etsy for your shop. Etsy receives $ 0.25 + 3.5% of your sales. There is also a Transaction fee (on sale price and shipping price) of 5%.
8. Done! Your shop is open and live!

That’s it! Happy selling! 
Make sure to share your Etsy shop below in a comment!


When starting a business, it is important to find affordable ways to create quality designs for your products. One way to do this is by purchasing a bundle of resources or taking a subscription to a site like CreativeFabrica. This will give you access to thousands of fonts and design elements, which you can use to create unique and professional designs for your products.

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